Oral Conditions > Trauma / Injury > Discolored Tooth

Discolored Tooth

If one or more of your pet’s teeth are discolored, it is an indication of previous tooth trauma/injury which may lead to tooth death.

What you need to know…
  • Discoloration of teeth is evidence of pulp inflammation and bleeding.
  • Studies show that 92% of discolored teeth are non-vital or dead.
  • Over time these teeth may become infected or develop root disease.

How a DISCOLORED TOOTH may look:

discolored tooth
Discolored canine tooth

Possible Therapy / Treatment:

Dental x-ray root infection
BEFORE TREATMENT: Dental x-ray revealing root infection

root canal therapy dental x-ray
AFTER: Root canal therapy to retain this functionally important tooth

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The tooth is a rigid structure that centrally contains blood vessels and nerves. When a tooth sustains some forceful trauma it may fracture or it remains intact and becomes discolored. The discoloration is evidence of pulp inflammation and bleeding. Studies show that 92% of discolored teeth are non-vital or dead. Over time these teeth may become infected or develop root disease.

Therapy is performed to prevent pain and infection that may occur over the coming months to years. Root canal therapy is preferred for functionally important teeth (canine teeth), otherwise extraction therapy is recommended for discolored teeth.

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